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H YOU Y



Color is created through the brain and the eye working together, translating light into the shades we perceive. Everything we see with our eyes absorb certain wavelengths of light, while reflecting others, creating countless designated shades. The light that is reflected is received by the eye, and that specific signal is sent to the brain, which recognizes each precise color.


However, even when we close our eyes, color still exists. Our brain still recognizes the sensation of color. Simply put, our visual system does not simply “switch off” when the light component is removed. A phenomenon referred to as “phosphenes” exists when the electrical charges from the eye still produce flashes or patterns of color, even when our eyes are closed.


I hv lwys xrinc this. I just nv nw why.


In addition to the phosphene phenomena, the manner in which our brain processes color memory is just as fascinating. Even though the human brain can distinguish millions of colors, when it comes to memory, most of us tend to simplify colors into a very condensed catalog of basic shades. In a way, it “takes up less space”.


In lmst ll of my mmis, I mm cl—vy spciic cl—mst f ll, n mny f my mst lsting nd imctful mmis scilly invlv cl.


Almost all of us dream in color, however many of us do not recall colors from our dreams. Studies have shown that people who have a more heightened awareness of color when they are awake, are far more likely to recall specific colors from their dreams. 


Cl n light  wht I hv lwys ntic th mst in th wl. Th is №thing m stisying.


I chose to put together this collection based purely on those colors that were not right in front of my eyes.


Th ns slshing un nth my ylis.


Th ns I m .


Th ns I mm.

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